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House Sits Dunedin

Dunedin has Victorian and Edwardian architecture, Scottish roots, beaches and is home to the vibrant University of Otago. The celebrated Dunedin Railway Station is visited by thousands of tourists every year, with many taking a journey into the wider Otago region with Dunedin Railways. If you want to hang out at the beach for a while, then head to St Kilda and St Clair beaches, popular with surfers and also with families. Heading out of town, you can drive along the Otago Peninsula, which has marine wildlife, walkways and New Zealand’s only castle, Larnach Castle. Dunedin has some awesome places to walk (which is great if you’ve got dogs), cycle and run. This wonderful city also has its own brewery − the famous Speight’s brewery which you can visit and have a tour of. What's more, if you're a house sitter you can live here rent-free!

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