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House Sits Invercargill

Invercargill is much more than just New Zealand’s southernmost city. It has the vast Queens Park public park, a place of peace for people who gardens, and a place of fun for children as there is so much to explore. Invercargill has plenty of heritage, from its period buildings, to the automotive and motorcycle history at Transport World. If you want to get into the great outdoors, then Oreti Beach is a popular spot, particularly as the sunsets can be stunning. Invercargill is also a place people fly into before getting the ferry from Bluff to Stewart Island. The peaceful, inspiring and stunning Stewart Island has magnificent wildlife, and the chance to be in nature and among the wonderful people of this great island. Invercargill is also a great base for exploring Southland, one of the world’s most beautiful places and also home to the famous Bluff Oyster Festival.