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House Sitting & New Zealand are the Perfect Match for First Home Buyers

28th May 2019

Headlines about skyrocketing house prices will understandably make people think that buying a first home is impossible.

Trying to save for a deposit when all your bills leave you with just loose change is enough to make anyone feel glum about their property owning prospects.

But there is hope. And it could be coming your way!

Check out The Housesitting Company to find out what it takes to become a house sitter. And if you’re looking for a house sitter, give us a call 0800 748 837 or send us a message and we’ll get back to you.

Saving a deposit for a house became a reality for ex-Auckland sitters Jessica and Eddie. They spent two years house sitting, enabling them to save enough for a house deposit in Wellington.

You can read more about their story here. If you’re keen to find out all the details about house sitting, The Housesitting Company would love to have a chat with you. Give us a call on 0800 747 837 or send us a message.