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Tired of paying rent? Long Term House Sitting could be right for you

5th September 2019

Your friend knows someone who knows someone who got into long term house sitting. And they saved thousands in rent. Like enough to put down a deposit for a home if they wanted. 
But it all sounds too ground to be true, right? Wrong. For Auckland couple Jonathan and Michelle, long term house sitting became a lifestyle that saved them heaps of money. 
You can take the first step today into either becoming a house sitter, or having a vetted, responsible sitter take great care of your home. Contact The Housesitting Company on 0800 748 837 or send us a message and we’ll get back to you. 
You can read in this article how Jonathan and Michelle used long term house sitting as a way to plan for their future. 
If you want to plan too, or you need a thoroughly vetted sitter to care for your home while you’re away, contact The Housesitting Company on 0800 748 837 to chat to our friendly team of house sitting experts.